Surely you've tried to search for a way to earn money without having to get off of the sofa at some point in your life. Although it sounds like a utopian fantasy, apps like this exist on Android. Goldesel is one of them, and it allows you to earn a few euros a month by simply watching advertisements or performing a few simple tasks.
Goldesel gives you several methods to earn credit before you withdraw it through PayPal, Steam cards, or League of Legends vouchers. You can improve your income by watching ads from various sponsors, fulfilling requests, or participating in marketing campaigns from well known brands.
Goldesel also features two games that allow you to earn money. One is the classic heads or tails and the other is roulette, which allows you to earn special rewards depending on how much money you bet.
Although Goldesel seems like an easy way to earn money, in reality you'll need to invest a lot of time to starting seeing incremental increases in your bank account.
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